I just wanted to ask Skinhead Nation and the millions of TC fans that span this country, Canada and Tijuana to support the Walpole Little League All-Stars in the LLWS on ESPN.
My status in Walpole is legendary. As a senior at Walpole High, I was named New England player of the year by the Boston Globe for my football prowess. As you all know, I led Walpole High to the state finals in basketball by averaging 18 points and 10 rebounds. It was after our semi-final victory against the Foxboro Foxes that the first of infinite hot-tub parties took place. What you might not know was that TC went 10-0 as a flamethrowing righty on the diamond, striking out the likes of Mikey Bambooso and Ritchie Ranconi.
Anyway, as usual, this blog is about more than TC. It's about my love and now the nation's love of Walpole. In case you missed it, Mike Rando made like a little offspring of TC and saved the day with a leaping catch at the wall with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th to beat those little turds from Ohio. Anyways, I've been following every pitch with great pride, although it's hard to go to these little league games with my celebrity status. Let's just say mom's aren't so much watching the game.
Well friends, please keep the magic alive and support Walpole LL in 2007!
Todd Collins
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